
Whether your garden needs recreating or just a refresh, I offer a number of packages that can help you turn your outdoor space into that place you want to spend time in.

Garden Design

From £900

A complete garden design provides all you need to turn your ideas into a new outdoor space.

  • Initial consultation (free) to look at your garden and hear your ideas to feed into a design proposal

  • Further analysis of your space with a Site Survey

  • Moodboards, Concept Plans and 3D CAD models enable you to visualise my ideas for your space

  • Detailed Master Plan with specification of materials and construction details for building your design

  • Assisting you to select a landscaper and oversee the project to ensure the vision is built as desired

  • Planting design for the softer elements - planting plans, imageboards, schedule of quantities and maintenance guides.

  • After visits to help your garden grow into its design.

Planting Design

From £300

Refresh your existing borders with a new planting design to improve, structure, colour and year round interest.

  • Planting Moodboard and Season of Interest Chart

  • Border Layout Plan

  • Plant Schedule with quantities and sizes

  • Maintenance Plan to help keep your border looking its best


From £150

Your garden may not need a full redesign and a 1- 2 hour ‘walk and talk’ visit could be what you need to give you the confidence to breathe new life into your outside space. This could include:

  • Review of your borders to look at what does and doesn’t work

  • Looking at how you use and move around your garden to identify ways to get you outside more

  • Advice on how to prune and shape trees and shrubs (I’ll bring my secateurs!)

  • Maintenance advice

  • A write-up of the visit to remind you of the advice given


From £30/hr

Originally trained at the National Trust, I proudly offer a range of specialist horticultural maintenance services that cater to the unique needs of your garden.

  • Rose and Climber pruning and training

  • Fruit tree pruning and training

  • Border tidy

  • Planting

  • Vegetable gardening

My relationships with other local gardening companies enable me to recommend qualified horticulturalists to cover any other requirements.